Now you can read articles and stories on Medium.
I'm also present on TikTok.
Giving everything a try but will concentrate on writing right now.
As an author you need to connect with your readers. Not only through your writing but via social media, blogs, newsletters.
This is very hard for me as it absorbs lots of energy which you need for other purposes such as doing the dishes, cooking, laundry, showering. Those are all chores for me to begin with. If you want to write on top of this you need to make sure you don't push yourself to try and do everything all at once.
That's the tough part of writing they don't tell you. Not only do you need to write that story, you need to build a hype around it while you're still writing it. You need to edit it yourself and/or via an editor. You need to make sure everyone that could be interested in your book is made aware of it. No one is randomly going to find your book, you need to direct people to it.
Content needs to be created for newsletters, Medium, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok.
As you can imagine a lot of energy and effort goes into these things without there being a finished product. But if you don't do all of that (especially the newsletter) you can forget about your book being read when it's published.
Your book can be the next Harry Potter, no-one will find it if they don't know about it.
You might think a traditional publisher will get the word out and do the work for you. They won't. They don't gain anything by spending money on your book outside of editing, cover art and publishing. These days they even require you to have a certain amount of followers on social media before they even look at your book. That's the digital age for you.
As I said before, you can find me active and not so active on all those platforms and I hope to see you there!
